I’ve moved to http://www.yetthereismethod.net/  If you’re here from my SOLSC post (and you clicked on my avatar), please click on the URL I posted in my comment (or tried to post).  Thank you!

Does a child’s inability to write clearly and legibly indicate that he or she doesn’t have the hand-eye coordination or fine motor skills necessary to do so? Is that alone reason to teach, practice, and require legible print and cursive writing? There are, of course, other reasons, but those aren’t the focus of these questions.

It’s hard to believe another school year is behind us.

I want to come back to this.



I really need to get back to this (for Shannon).

For as much as I say I love to be outdoors, I don’t spend nearly enough time out there! Yesterday was a treat, though: a new trail (new for me, anyway).

I spent some time on the Land Trust’s Wildflower Trail near Monte Santo. The trail isn’t a long one, but it follows a bedrock creek bed for it’s entire length…awesome! The creek was mostly dry (to the dismay of the diminishing tadpole population), so we (J.T.) and I were able to walk most of it instead of being on the trail.

We were putting together a scavenger hunt for the upcoming “Tuesdays on the Trail” event series. More on that later, I’m sure!

I’m so bummed that I stumbled upon this article today instead of a week ago. I just had a discussion with someone about homework, but for the life of me I can’t remember who!

Anyway, this is a research summary worth checking out. Why do I like it? Because it agrees with what I think, that’s why!

Homework Research and Policy: A Review of the Literature


It’s been a good year in a lot of ways, and next year is going to be even better.

Thus the blog at 4:00 in the morning.

Teachers as Historians grant

AMSTI Science

Landtrust program

Grand Canyon University work

Finishing a bookshelf

Fillling a bookshelf

What to think about next?

of sunshine.

I need to get back to this article.  It’s frustrating, but my thoughts on just why it’s so aren’t fully developed.  I’ll get back to it, maybe.


May 2024


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